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Give Me Some Space Please! by Kitty Robertson Morse, Heirloom Wooden Toys

December 8, 2010

The Playstand by Willow Toys available at Heirloom Wooden Toys

The other day my friend shared a story with me that got me thinking.  Her daughter had gone to play in the backyard, but when she went to check on her she didn’t see her anywhere.  She started to get really concerned until she saw the leaves from the lone bush in back rustling.  Curious, she walked back there, peeked around and saw her daughter had taken an old blanket and covered the leaves to make a carpet, grabbed one of her outside chairs and a table and was just sitting there.  When asked if she was ok, she beamed and said “yeah, I’m just in my secret hide out.”

Kids love their own space and why wouldn’t they?   “Be careful,” “don’t touch that,” “please don’t put that on the table.”  We constantly remind our children they live in someone else’s space. That’s why so often we see kids seek out an area just for themselves. Whether it’s throwing some pillows and blankets around a chair to create a fort, or playing under the bed, or climbing a tree to read a book, they send us a message they need a place to call their own.

Personal space for kids is so important for their development.  Kids need the opportunity for self- expression and imagination without the worry of making a mess.  Personal space is ownership to a child; they decide what happens here.  Watch a child flourish when they are allowed to design, create and determine the rules.

Creating a place for our kids isn’t difficult regardless of the space you have.  It can be as simple as a pillow fort in the living room, or as elaborate as a dedicated room filled with an art station, a kid’s work bench, musical instruments and a wooden play kitchen.  The important part is to give kids the freedom to create and manage their space on their own.  Filling their area with imagination-inspiring toys like tea sets, play food and dishes, wooden blocks or a wooden toy chest filled with costumes gives children the ability to create their own world.  Their space can become a restaurant, a concert hall or a dress up shop where mom and dad have to follow their rules.  Ideally, provide spaces and toys kids can decorate themselves, wooden boxes or dollhouses they can paint, a tent they can color or put stickers on.  It’s an important part of allowing your child to experience a taste of independence and a developing sense of confidence through their inventiveness. The reward is watching how a simple space becomes a reflection and extension of our child’s personality.  It’s so much fun to watch!

If you are looking to buy a gift or toy for your child or grandchild, think of Heirloom Wooden Toys where we provide sustainable, safe wooden toys, games and furniture that will last for generations to come.  You can shop by Age, Price, Brand, or just browse hundreds of products for all kinds of kids.  Many of our products are Made in the USA so you can support businesses that are keeping jobs at home.  Looking for custom products?  We have a large selection of items that can be personalized or engraved with your name or message.  Free Shipping on orders over $99!  Contact Kitty Robertson Morse at or (866) 202-8073

2 Comments leave one →
  1. January 5, 2011 2:46 am

    I believe that toys contribute a huge impact to a child’s formation. This is why parents should give attention to the toys their kids are playing with.

  2. January 20, 2011 5:44 pm

    I agree! It’s so important for kids to be able to create their own play experience with their toys – and that’s much harder to do with electronics or movie character toys where the story is already written for them.

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